On January 12, according to community news, the official Twitter account of Foresight Ventures was stolen, and hackers have posted tweets containing fraudulent token contracts and profiles. Remind users not to interact with this Twitter account and to pay attention to asset protection.
The official Twitter account of Centrifuge, the RWA lending agreement, has been stolen. Hackers have released a fundraising address disguised as AI project tokens. The current fundraising balance in the fraudulent address is 93.57 SOL. Remind users not to interact with their accounts and pay attention to asset safety.
On November 14, the Litecoin Twitter account (@litecoin) posted that "in light of the current market conditions, it is now recognized that LTC is a Meme coin."
Musk replaced his Twitter account avatar with a personal photo with elements of the US election, the background is the American flag, the main body is Musk's personal photo and wearing a black hat with MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN characters.
On August 2, the official Twitter account (@makenowmeme) makenow.meme MEME coin issuance platform was frozen due to illegal rules.